all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 7AA 25 0 52.116618 -0.501709
MK42 7AB 14 4 52.117707 -0.50252
MK42 7AD 1 1 52.106294 -0.500814
MK42 7AE 9 7 52.107356 -0.500195
MK42 7AF 18 11 52.107705 -0.499169
MK42 7AG 1 1 52.108358 -0.497708
MK42 7AH 20 0 52.116171 -0.501199
MK42 7AJ 2 2 52.116087 -0.502831
MK42 7AL 11 5 52.115621 -0.503189
MK42 7AP 1 0 52.111551 -0.48231
MK42 7AR 37 6 52.114982 -0.505073
MK42 7AS 6 0 52.115396 -0.505329
MK42 7AT 31 0 52.116338 -0.504435
MK42 7AU 16 0 52.116893 -0.50281
MK42 7AW 8 52.108494 -0.498506
MK42 7AX 0 52.117623 -0.502976
MK42 7AY 1 52.106184 -0.499015
MK42 7AZ 19 52.109368 -0.485079
MK42 7BA 0 52.117577 -0.503591
MK42 7BB 0 52.116658 -0.505549